Join Us

Here you can check out our joining requirements and how our community acceptance process works.


Recruitment Status

Recruitment Status

Joining Requirements & Tips

Joining Requirements & Tips


All members must be 16 years of age at the time of applying. No exceptions allowed.


Members are required to attend a quarter of our patrols every calendar month. Each patrol lasts 2 or more hours however members are only required to attend for 1.5 hours for their attendance to be noted.



All applicants must have both Discord and Teamspeak (required for interviews and patrols). They must also possess a working, clear microphone.

Internet Connection:

All members must have an internet connection capable of playing Fivem while running Teamspeak and the steam web browser (or similar) in the background.


All members must be fluent in English.


Non-Allowed Membership of Other Communities:

All members must not be a part of another whitelist Irish/UK-based role-playing community whilst a member of South Eastern Role-Playing Community.

Allowed Membership of Other Communities:

Members may be involved in other whitelist communities as long as they are not Irish/UK-based communities.

Member MUST declare any membership of other communities. Members must also ensure that their membership in other communities does not affect their activity in South Eastern Role-Playing Community.

Should a member fail to declare their membership in another gaming community said community will be notified of their participation in SERPC as well

Members must:

  • Possess A legal and working copy of Grand Theft Auto V for PC. This can be a Steam or Rockstar Games version.
  • Be able to run Fivem and Teamspeak simultaneously.

All applicants for NAS must hold a minimum of an in-date PHECC First Aid Responder (FAR) AND Community First Responder – Advanced (CFR-A), be a PHECC registered practitioner, or be a registered medical practitioner.


  • FAR + CFR(A)
  • EFR


  • EMT
  • Paramedic
  • Advance Paramedic

International EMT certifications or higher, as well as registered nurses and medical doctors are also welcome to join       

There is no direct entry option for joining SERPC

To apply for membership please visit.

  1. Login with discord.
  2. “join community”, (community ID is “serpc”).
  3. Once on the welcome screen, go to forms and fill out a new applicants form.
  4. A member of the HR Team will then make contact with you via DM on Discord.

Community Acceptance Process

Community Acceptance Process

Stage 1 – Application

After reading our joining requirements you will then be ready to write and submit an application. Once you’ve submitted your application it will be reviewed by our Human Resources team. You will be contacted via Discord on the the outcome of your application. This process can take up to 7 days.

Stage 2 – Interview

Should your application be accepted you will then be ready for an interview. Your interview will be at your chosen time on the application. If your interview cannot take place at your chosen time a new time will be arranged with staff.

Stage 3 – Induction

Should you succeed in your interview you will then be ready for the induction process. The induction process includes introducing, and giving you basic information about our community and how it works.

Stage 4 – Training

After the induction you will then organise a training time for yourself. Once your training has been completed you are then considered an official member of our community and can participate in patrols.

Ready to Join?

Ready to Join?
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